What Eliot Spitzer is hiding isn’t just about sex

Eliot Spitzer had a lot going for him, at least, as measured by his attempts to right many seeming injustices that, to most of us, needed fixing – outsized pay packages to undeserving CEO’s among them. In some ways, it’s a shame that Spitzer got outed for having a night (a few hours?) with a high priced prostitute; on balance, he was doing a lot of public good.

Down with Individuals (Not!)

A recent, front page article in The New York Times about French
identity reported that the French Conservative candidate for president,
Nicolas Sarkozy, wants to establish a new arm of the government – a
ministry of “immigration and national identity.” At the same time,

Identity is all around us

hello, i’m larry ackerman and my life and work revolve around identity - specifically, personal and organizational identity. i am the author of two books. the first, published in 2000 by berrett-koehler, is Identity Is Destiny: Leadership and the Roots of Value Creation. the second book...

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