Thank you, David Reed

A friend of mine recently sent me this LinkedIn post by someone named David Reed. Actually, it’s not a post; it’s a meditation on mortality. But more. It is a meditation on life. The power and grace of his words startled me. I wondered whether...

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Are you stayin’ alive?

The other day, a classic rock station happened to play the Bee Gee’s famous 1977 song, Stayin’ Alive. The lyrics tell the story of someone who is struggling with life, but won’t give up. He has ups and downs, but has hope and won’t abandon...

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Breaking Your Identity Code

The idea of 'retirement' continues to lose currency with so many men and women who have better things to do than spend their days on the golf course or traveling (not there's anything wrong with these activities). What people do seem to want is a degree...

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New year, new you?

Ever wonder why the new year inspires so many resolutions? And why so many don't stick? On the surface, it's pretty funny. For instance, you see dozens of new faces at the gym starting in January, most of whom have left by the end of...

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What do you believe?

12. I can’t get the number out of my head. It must be the season…the 12 days of Christmas, the 12 months of the year, even being on the cusp of 2012.

We’re not just in the season of 12s; we’re also in the season of believing. In family, in friendship, in giving, in — yes, for some — even Santa Claus. So, I have chosen to offer up a little “belief” quiz.

Here you go: