What do you believe? (v.4)

It's that time of year again -- the 'believing' season: a time when little kids and big kids alike, from 8 to 80, surrender just a bit to the warmth and wonder of the Holidays. This time, I find that experience to be especially challenging, given...

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What do you believe?

12. I can’t get the number out of my head. It must be the season…the 12 days of Christmas, the 12 months of the year, even being on the cusp of 2012.

We’re not just in the season of 12s; we’re also in the season of believing. In family, in friendship, in giving, in — yes, for some — even Santa Claus. So, I have chosen to offer up a little “belief” quiz.

Here you go:

The MBA Identity Crisis Lives!

I just read a terrific article about an MBA candidate at Georgetown, who is wrestling with something other than what investment banking or management consulting firm she wants to work for when she graduates. She’s wrestling with learning who she really is as a person. Her story is fascinating. Check it out at